I love playing this game and i always try to convince my friends to buy it so they can play multiplayer. The game has great control on the planes. Each plane flyes differently too and they are all fun. I love that there is a variety of weapons.
If i could ask for 3 more features it would be:
1.) Bosses - A special boss of some sort at the end of a level. Maybe a single player dogfight of a plane thats super hard. Maybe a large battle ship and you have to take down each wing.
2.) Game editor - Maybe a basic map editor where you can have the background a picture of your choice. You can customize weapons and airplanes. you can customize what enemies are on the ground. (Oh, I just had a brain fart; how about more ground enemies)
3.)2 player coop - I would love to have a dog fight and doubleteam against AI
Earlskey about MiniSquadron Special Edition